SOS email
In most cases, our monitor dashboard is used to increase the safety of endurance sports events. Usually, the monitor is streamed on a large screen in the race office.
Users asked for better targeting of the SOS alerts from GPS trackers. Hence we published a feature to send detailed SOS notification emails which perfectly works on smartphones.
When a participant presses the SOS button of its GPS tracker the editors of the tracking map receive a short email summarizing relevant information:
- name of the event (to keep an overview when multiple events are running at the same time),
- participant's name & bib number,
- time, when the participant pressed the SOS button on the GPS device,
- name of the device in the tracker management
- link to the corresponding monitor with additional data such as the last known location to verify the situation in the race
- exact coordinates of the SOS alert, to copy and past and forward to the helicopter team
- maps showing the overview
The SOS email is sent a couple of hours before and after the event start- and end time
- if monitor add-on is activated for the event and
- if the GPS device is active in the tracker management